Kayaking at kalvøy
Guided tours from Stavanger City Center.
Kalvøyparken is basecamp for kayak tours and courses with our guide, Rogaland Aktiv AS. Join a kayak tour around beautiful island, Kalvøy, located in the heart of the Stavanger archipelago. This kayaktour starts from Stavanger city center. We will spend many hours at the sea, experience the cultural life on the island and have a lot of fun.
Join us if you want to see our lovely archipelago.
Basecamp at Kalvøyparken
The view from Kalvøy is a panorama of Stavanger in the West, and the high mountains of the inland in the East. Here is short
distances between islands, with quiet bays, narrow passages in shallow waters. Closeup to nature, when kayaking, you can explore the seabed underneeth, and the wildlife at the seaside. We might also see species as Harbour Seals, Porpoises, Mink and Sea Eagles during the trips.
Half day tour
Full day tour
All days: nok 2100kr